As part of our commitment to ensuring the advancement of financial literacy in Canada, the AFC works to promote youth awareness and education in mathematics and financial matters.

Here’s a look at some of the youth programs we support financially.

Canadian Mathematical Society

The AFC, in partnership with the Canadian Mathematical Society, provides funding for Math Camps, math enrichment camps designed primarily for Canadian students in Grades 8 through 11.We subsidize Black and Indigenous students participating in CMS math competitions and also help fund the training and travel expenses of the Canadian European Girls’ Mathematics Olympiad Team.

Dollars with Sense

Sponsored since 2010, Dollars with Sense is a program available for Grade 7 to 9 students in Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, PEI, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in partnership with Junior Achievement (JA Canada). Led by experienced business volunteers, including actuaries, students learn about money management, simple investment strategies, and making informed decisions.

Economics for Success

Delivered through JA Canada, Economics for Success is targeted at Grade 8 to 10 students in Québec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, PEI, New Brunswick and Ontario. The program helps students develop positive attitudes towards education and the future, explore the relationship between education and personal goals, and learn about managing money and credit.

University of Ottawa Engineering Outreach 

Engineering Outreach is committed to introducing STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to youth. Our funding goes towards mathematical workshops for grades 2-10 and a special math event for 75 girls.

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is committed to increasing public awareness of the importance of mathematics. PIMS initiatives include working with First Nations in British Columbia to improve math literacy. The AFC supports PIMS’ work with grants to sponsor teacher-training workshops focused on Indigenous and other at-risk students.

Science and Mathematics in Action (SMAC)

SMAC is a project coordinated by Laval University with a mandate to awaken and strengthen youth interest in science and mathematics, support the work of math, science and technology teachers by providing them access to interactive educational tools and demystify mathematics in the general population, Most of their outreach is in Quebec but their Show Math video has been shown across Canada.

Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS)

The TFSS delivers after school programming for low income families in the Greater Toronto Area. Since 2014, the AFC has sponsored a financial literacy component as part of their Beyond 3:30 program to help develop life-long skills.

Verna J. Kirkness Science and Engineering Education Program

This program addresses the under-representation of Indigenous students at Canadian universities by offering opportunities to Indigenous grade eleven students to spend one week in a campus research laboratory. During the week, students meet role models, learn about support systems on campus and experience the excitement of doing research in math-related subjects.

Youth Science Canada

In partnership with the AFC, Youth Science Canada recognizes youth excellence in Canada’s science industry. The AFC Awards, presented at the annual Canada-Wide Science Fair, are given to outstanding projects that demonstrate effective use of mathematics, database manipulation, and statistical analysis in investigating or solving complex problems.

Girls to the Power of Math

The AFC supports Girls to the Power of Math (G^M), a program working with elementary school students who identify as girls and assists them in learning math through mentorship programs.

The program is coordinated through the Learning Buddies Network to provide mentors for students in under-resourced and underserved Vancouver communities. The mentors are high school and university students who identify as female and are proficient in mathematics.

Leacock Foundation

The Leacock Foundation’s mission is to confront inequity by empowering children and youth to develop the critical and creative thinking skills to be confident leaders. Our funding goes towards Leacock’s Thinkers and Doers program in schools in financially challenged areas of Toronto. The focus is on learning opportunities at a March break math camp.

University of Toronto – Robertson Program

The Robertson Program is committed to advancing equitable access to high-quality and research-based math and science education. Our funding goes towards a financial literacy add-on to their Playful Math program for grades 2 to 8. 

If you would like to get involved with one of the youth education programs, please contact